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Woyshner Services Company (WSC) has worked over the past four years with Duke Energy’s fossil & hydro power plant fleet to support their effort to implement a comprehensive Equipment Reliability (ER) program. In 2013 Duke Energy merged with Progress Energy to create the “new Duke Energy”. As part of the merger, the leadership team desired to identify ER Program good practices from each legacy company, incorporate industry ER good practices, and develop and deploy a common optimized program across the fleet.

The support includes:

  • ER Assessments at all Tier 1 plants

  • Development of an ER Implementation and Change Management Plan for the corporate support organization and each plant

  • Ranking the criticality of each plant asset for over 50 power plant units

  • Implementation of a suite of software tools to support all aspects of an ER Program

  • Optimization of the Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) Program

  • Development of Preventive Maintenance (PM) templates

  • Support the Monitoring & Diagnostic Center with Advanced Pattern Recognition (APR) model development, tuning and monitoring

  • Implementation of a Risk Management process

  • Implementation of Plant Health Meetings (PHM’s)

  • Development & Implementation of an Equipment Reliability Index

Woyshner Services Company (WSC) has worked over the past three decades on projects for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to support the development of many Equipment Reliability Process & Program standards. Some of the technical products supported include:

  • Condition Based Maintenance Guidelines

  • Equipment Reliability Process Guidelines

  • Equipment Reliability Program Assessment

  • Continuous On-line Monitoring Program Implementation Guidelines

  • Component Specific Continuous On-Line Monitoring Guidelines

Also, WSC has supported work on countless utility-specific ER program and condition monitoring technology application projects.


Woyshner Services Company (WSC) has worked over the past three years with We Energies and the newly acquired Wisconsin Public Services Fossil Coal and Combined Cycle power plant fleet to support their effort to implement a comprehensive Equipment Reliability (ER) program. The support includes:

  • ER Assessments at each plant

  • Development of an ER Implementation and Change Management Plan for the corporate support organization and each plant

  • Ranking the criticality of each plant asset

  • Implementation of a Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) Program

  • Development of Preventive Maintenance (PM) templates and support of system owner template application

  • Monitoring & Diagnostic Center deployment

  • Implementation of a Risk Management process

  • Implementation of Plant Health Meetings (PHM’s)

The goals for the project are to support their broader initiative to reduce maintenance costs, and achieve and sustain industry top quartile power plant generation performance.


Woyshner Services Company, Inc. (WSC) is helping Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. (TSGT) improve reliability while reducing operating and maintenance costs throughout its generating fleet through the establishment of a centralized monitoring and diagnostic center. Specific project support tasks include:

  • Review and comment on the specification and resulting vendor proposals for purchase of anomaly detection and thermal performance monitoring software,

  • Presentation of an Equipment Reliability Program/Process Workshop

  • Development and application of an equipment unique identification standard and process parameter tag naming convention

  • Facilitation of process design sessions for developing fleetwide standard M&D Center and Condition Based Maintenance processes

  • Coaching for M&D Center planning and deployment, including development of a comprehensive Implementation & Change Management Plan for deploying the new M&D Center

WSC will continue to support TSGT during the initial implementation of the center with monitoring support, model tuning, staff training and continual improvement processes.

© 2018 by WSC Inc.

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